Monday, June 4, 2007

How to donate

More importantly, WHY?

Everyone has a different reason to help others. Although you could argue that I have unlimited space to list those reasons here, there's no point. You have own motivation for doing good in this world.

I've been blessed, living a charmed life, full of plenty. Unfortunately for most of the world's population, that's not the case.

Generations of impoverished people have gone without the basic needs of life that we take for granted. Clean water supplies. Nutritious food. Basic health care. Shelter. Education. And adequate clothing and footwear.

One organization is make a tangible difference every day for people in need in America and across the globe: Soles4Souls. Started by one man, Wayne Elsey, in the wake of the Asian tsunami and expanded greatly after Hurricane Katrina, Soles4Souls works with the footwear industry and the general public to provide NEW or GENTLY USED shoes to those in need.

It's easy to help. Just send your NEW or GENTLY USED shoes (secured with a heavy rubber band) HERE. *Please include a donation of $1.00 per pair to cover the cost of shipping. Sending 5 pairs? Include $5. Sending 20 pairs? Include $20, and so on.

Your $1 cash donation per pair helps to cover Soles4Souls shipping expenses. This is a critical component in the organization's mission. Without the funds to ship the shoes across the country and around the world, Soles4Souls faces enormous challenges.

If you don't have any NEW or GENTLY USED shoes that you can part with, that's o.k. Click HERE to make a fast, easy, ONLINE cash donation. Or, for you "old school" folks who prefer to write a problem. Just click HERE to find out how to do that.

HERE is more info on the mission, outreach, and scope of Soles4Souls. Thanks for helping out!

1 comment:

Olga said...

Do I understand it correctly they take not only running shoes but any? That's awesome, my stock will be on its way in a week. Feels better than GoodWill or Nike track. I used to send them to Shoes4Africa, but got a bit tired last 2 years:) New accepting channels are welcome!